May 18, 2008

GIIRA Games - Let the Games Begin !


Main Entry: trend·set·ter
Pronunciation: \ˈtren(d)-ˌse-tər\
Function: noun
Date: 1960

: one that sets a trend

Being a leader is about setting trends - not only being best in every manner but about setting new standards that others follow.

Thanks to all our readers...our popularity has been ever increasing and we are trying to make a better experience every time you log-on.



Main Entry: game
Pronunciation: \ˈgām\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gamen; akin to Old High German gaman amusement
Date: before 12th century

: activity engaged in for diversion or amusement

GIIRA Games is the next level of interaction! It's here for you and it's not only here for making you spend more time online...but to teach you more about yachting, sailing and being on water.

More and more exciting games - that you play at the comfort of your home and ones that make you smarter and tactical are going to come your way!

Make sure you click on the logo on the top-right side of your screen once you finish your daily dose of what's happening in your neighbourhood waters.

Surely, this is one trend here to stay on our blog and in your minds.

Let the Games begin...