Apr 7, 2008

One Tough Gazookas- Personality of a Sailor Man !

His first words were in response to the question, "Are you a sailor?" Popeye smartly replied, "Ja think I'm a cowboy?". Popeye the sailorman, with his muscles and his spinach, has since then, become a cultural icon.

It was an eventful Sunday evening when Team Giira got talking to a couple of sailors from around the world at the Vasco da Gama Rally party. We chatted up with the hearty lot about all the many adventures they’ve had to what it takes to be a true sailor!

“Sometimes God calms the storm, sometimes He calms the sailor”…

“No Expectations!...... and a Desire to Explore………. new lands, foreign cultures and of course the winds in the deep blue seas!”

Sailors are simplistic people who enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Highly spirited, they love the adventure of facing the uncertain, the indefinite and the challenges that await them. Overcoming obstacles is their greatest thrill, for beyond fear… lies victory! Sailing across the deep seas, these men are full of depth and a philosophy of their own.

“He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles. “ – Sir Walter Scott

Sailors are full of humor and guess what else… superstition too, well may be a couple few. For sailors, it is goodluck : to smash a bottle against the boat just before sailing !
to throw an old pair of shoes overboard just after launch !to touch the collar of a sailor !
to step aboard using the right foot first!
Sailors believe the seabirds carry the souls of the dead.

Here’s a sailor joke:
"Why such long face John?" asked the other seaman.
"I don't know," said John "maybe It's just that we have been at sea for so long and I'm so depressed I cant seem to do anything right. Most of the time I feel so alone and useless!"
Smiling and nodding in an understanding way, the other seaman said, "John, I don't know if this helps but let me assure you; you are not alone. Most of us on the ship feel you're useless too."

Being a sailor adds to self growth. Many of the boaters we spoke with had taken up sailing at a much later stage in their lives! Sailing… can serve as a great learning experience and do wonders where acquiring soft-skills are concerned! It was nice to see so many women boaters too. In fact the ratio was almost equal.

Popeye the sailorman has become world famous. Whether it be from his addiction to spinach or the lyrics to his song, people of all ages imitate, collect, and aspire to be like Popeye. Popeye served as a hero to many. With his stylish sense of humor and his positive outlook on life, he was a role model to young children too.

Stay tuned in as Giira covers more on sailors and their special relationships with their vessel, wind and the sea!